Assemblers / craftsmen / technicians
Day passes for assemblers / craftsmen / technicians
Info for order managers
Info for assemblers / craftsmen / technicians
Info for registration of weekend, public holiday and night work
Download (all documents)
This is what you need to know as the person responsible for the order at the CHEMPARK
The day pass
assemblers / craftsmen / technicians without a contractor’s pass can carry out minor work at the CHEMPARK with a day pass.
Day passes can be issued for the period between 06:00 and 20:00 on working days and allow access only on the day the order is carried out.
Register before (fastest processing)
The easiest way is to pre-register the service provider(s) by e-mail to the site security. Simply complete the check-in form in full and sign it. When the service provider(s) arrives at the gate location, you do not have to worry about anything.
Also possible: Check-in without advance notification → More info
When is a permit necessary?
If the service provider is to take company property belonging to a company based in the CHEMPARK out of the CHEMPARK, an authorised employee of the company in the CHEMPARK must issue a pass for presentation at the gate.
How to reach us
Please send the documents (PDF) collectively and no later than 2.00 p.m. 1 working day before the appointment, to the plant security of the corresponding location:
Day passes for assemblers / craftsmen / technicians activities also possible without advance notification
Upon arrival of the service provider(s) at the gate, the check-in form must be completely and correctly filled in. Anything that has not already been filled in in advance must be done by the assembler / craftsman / technician on site. In case of false or incomplete information, admission will not be possible.
Also consider:
When the service provider arrives at the gate, a security guard will call you. It is then imperative that you are available to confirm, as the person responsible for the order, that the work is expected to be carried out. Otherwise, admission is not possible.
The check-in form without pre-registration is available at the gate or for download here:
Day passes for assemblers / craftsmen / technicians
What you need to know as a assembler / craftsman / technician
The quickest way to check in is to have your CHEMPARK order manager register you in advance. Feel free to ask her/him about it. But it also works spontaneously.
You must have an official identity document and, if applicable, a residence permit plus work permit.
We may accept the following as official identification documents
- In case of German citizenship: a valid identity card/official identity card substitute or a valid passport/official passport substitute
- In the case of citizenship of a Schengen full user state: a valid, officially recognised national identity card corresponding to the German identity card or a valid, officially recognised passport/passport replacement corresponding to the German passport.
- If you are a citizen of another country: a valid, officially recognised passport/passport replacement equivalent to the German passport.
- Attention: The personal details contained in the ID document must not be based on the ID holder's own information.
- Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accept other documents, such as a driving licence.
You must present the check-in form fully completed.
You must be able to specify that:
- Who is the person responsible for the order at the CHEMPARK.
- Who is your employer.
- What work you should do and where.
- What materials or spare parts you bring with you, what should stay at the CHEMPARK and what should not.
The check-in form and the supplement are available in the gate office or here for download:
When is a tool registration certificate necessary?
Tools, IT equipment or materials with a value of more than EUR 500 may only be exported from the CHEMPARK if the ownership situation has been clarified beyond doubt. Outside companies bringing their own equipment must therefore register it before entering the CHEMPARK. You will then receive security seals at the gate to clearly identify your equipment. It is best to send us the tool registration form in advance with the check-in form. That way it’s quicker at the gate.
Check-in at the gate
You will only be admitted if you understand and accept the safety briefing and the safety and order regulations at the CHEMPARK.
Animated safety briefing for assemblers / craftsmen / technicians at the CHEMPARK
- BG: Инструкции за безопасност при престой в CHEMPARK
- BS: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- CS: Bezpečnostní pokyny pro pobyt v CHEMPARKu
- DE: Sicherheitshinweise für den Aufenthalt im CHEMPARK
- EN: Safety information for visitors to CHEMPARK
- ES: Aviso de seguridad para su estancia en CHEMPARK
- FR: Consignes de sécurité à respecter dans l’enceinte du CHEMPARK
- HR: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- HU: Biztonsági utasítások a CHEMPARK-ban való tartózkodásra vonatkozóan
- IT: Avvertenze di sicurezza per la permanenza in CHEMPARK
- JA: CHEMPARK構内での安全上のご注意
- KO: CHEMPARK에서의 체류를 위한 안전 지침
- NL: Veiligheidsinstructies voor uw verblijf in CHEMPARK
- PL: Wskazówki dotyczące bezpieczeństwa podczas pobytu w CHEMPARK
- PT: Instruções de segurança para a permanência no CHEMPARK
- RO: Instrucțiuni de siguranță pentru staționarea în cadrul CHEMPARK
- RU: Инструкция по технике безопасности при нахождении в CHEMPARK
- SQ: Udhëzime sigurie për qëndrimin tënd në CHEMPARK
- SR: Безбедносна упутства за боравак у CHEMPARK-у
- TR: CHEMPARK’ta kalırken dikkat edilmesi gereken güvenlik talimatları
- UK: Правила техніки безпеки під час перебування на території підприємства CHEMPARK
- ZH: 在CHEMPARK逗留时需遵守的安全提示
Most important items in a nutshell
Requirements for successful delivery/collection at the CHEMPARK
Person responsible for the order at the CHEMPARK
- Mandatory
- Without advance notification: The person responsible for the order can be reached by telephone and can confirm to the site security that the order is expected to be carried out when the contractor's employee arrives at the gate.
- With advance notification: The person responsible for the order emails the signed and fully completed check-in form to the site security in advance.
- For company property that the contractor employee is to take out of the CHEMPARK, an authorised employee of the CHEMPARK company will issue a pass for presentation at the gate.
- Recommended
- Schedule arrival outside peak hours
- Assisting the contractor to fill in / complete the check-in form
- Pre-registration with the site security by e-mail at the latest by 2 p.m. one working day before the order is carried out.
Assemblers / craftsmen / technicians (external company or its subcontractors)
- Mandatory
- The employee can present an official identification document and, if applicable, a residence permit plus work permit.
- The employee knows who is responsible for the order at the CHEMPARK.
- The employee provides information about his/her employer (either the directly contracted contractor or its subcontractor).
- The employee knows what his/her job is.
- Employees must not bring any tools, materials or IT equipment into the CHEMPARK without registering them on the check-in form before entering.
- The check-in form is completed in full.
- The employee understands the safety instruction and accepts the safety and order regulations at the CHEMPARK.
- The employee shall not take anything out of the CHEMPARK that he/she has not previously registered or for which he/she has a pass from the company.
The registration process at a glance:
Registration in advance
(1 working day before arrival by 2.00 p.m. at the latest)
Ask the person responsible for your order in the
CHEMPARK that he/she registers you with the site security.
The check-in form, a completion guide and other
detailed information on the process and the
will find security here:
Arrival at the gate
- Do not drive up to the barrier. Park in front of the gate building and walk in.
- Take the necessary documents with you.
- Register tools, IT equipment or material that you absolutely have to take to the CHEMPARK.
- As a rule, you are not allowed to drive your own vehicle into the CHEMPARK. Exception: You are carrying unwieldy tools, materials or spare parts that you absolutely need for your job and cannot transport in any other way.
- The security guard will check your identity and documents,
- conducts a safety instruction
- and hands out your day pass for the CHEMPARK.
Entry into the factory and check-out
- Go directly to your destination at the CHEMPARK.
- Complete your order.
- Then proceed directly back to the gate for check-out.
- Return your day pass and expect to be checked upon exit.
You are not allowed to
Take tools, materials or IT equipment into the CHEMPARK without registering them on the check-in form before entering.
Take tools, materials or IT equipment out of the CHEMPARK for which you do not have a company permit or which you have not registered in advance.
Driving your own vehicle to the CHEMPARK if this is not necessary to transport the required tools or materials.
Additional requirements if work is to be carried out by external companies on weekends, public holidays or at night
Work outside the working day time window from 06:00 to 20:00 must always be registered with site security.
This also applies if the employees of the external company carrying out the work have their own CHEMPARK ID card. The passes are only activated during the working day time slot.
The completed application must be signed by the company carrying out the order and by the person responsible for the order at the CHEMPARK.
The registration must be sent to site security by e-mail in accordance with the deadline:
- Weekend work by 16:00 on Friday at latest
- Public holiday work by 16:00 the day before
- Night work by 17:00 on the day before the start of work
- Form: for registration of weekend, public holiday, night work
- Completion aid: Form for the registration of weekend, public holiday, night work
- Supplementary sheet: for registration of weekend, public holiday, night work
- Form: for exception to turnstile activation for contractor employees
- Completion aid: Form for exemption from turnstile activation for external company employees
- Supplementary sheet: for exemption from turnstile activation for external company employees
- AR: أهم القواعد المتعلقة ببطاقة الخاصة بكم CHEMPARK
- BG: Най-важните правила за вашия документ за самоличност за CHEMPARK
- CS: Nejdůležitější pravidla týkající se vašeho průkazu CHEMPARK
- DE: Die wichtigsten Regeln zu Ihrem CHEMPARK-Ausweis
- EN: The most important rules for your CHEMPARK ID
- ES: Normas más importantes para su distintivo CHEMPARK
- FR: Les principales règles relatives à votre badge CHEMPARK
- EL: Οι πιο σημαντικοί κανόνες για την κάρτα πρόσβασης CHEMPARK
- HR: Najvažnija pravila za vašu propusnicu za CHEMPARK
- HU: A CHEMPARK-igazolványra vonatkozó legfontosabb szabályok
- IT: Le regole più importanti per la tua tessera CHEMPARK
- JA: CHEMPARK IDカード に関する最重要ルール
- KO: CHEMPARK ID에 대한 가장 중요한 규칙
- NL: De belangrijkste regels voor uw CHEMPARK-kaart
- PL: Najważniejsze zasady dotyczące identyfikatora CHEMPARK
- PT: As regras mais importantes para o seu cartão de identificação da CHEMPARK
- RO: Cele mai importante reguli pentru ID-ul CHEMPARK
- RU: Основные правила вотношении вашего пропуска CHEMPARK
- SQ: Rregullat më të rëndësishme për dokumentin tuaj të identifikimit CHEMPARK
- SR: Najvažnija pravila za vašu CHEMPARK ID-karticu
- TR: CHEMPARK kimliğiniz için en önemli kurallar
- UK: Найважливіші правила щодо вашої перепустки CHEMPARK
- ZH: CHEMPARK 证件重要守则
- Traffic regulations CHEMPARK
- Information flyer compact - Behaviour at operation sites / barriers
- Instruction - Behaviour at work sites / barriers at the CHEMPARK
- Safety and regulatory requirements at the CHEMPARK - Part 1 for clients
- Safety and regulatory requirements at the CHEMPARK - Part 2 for contractors
- Leaflet - Working with radioactive substances and X-ray equipment
- BG: Инструкции за безопасност при престой в CHEMPARK
- BS: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- CS: Bezpečnostní pokyny pro pobyt v CHEMPARKu
- DE: Sicherheitshinweise für den Aufenthalt im CHEMPARK
- EN: Safety information for visitors to CHEMPARK
- ES: Aviso de seguridad para su estancia en CHEMPARK
- FR: Consignes de sécurité à respecter dans l’enceinte du CHEMPARK
- HR: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- HU: Biztonsági utasítások a CHEMPARK-ban való tartózkodásra vonatkozóan
- IT: Avvertenze di sicurezza per la permanenza in CHEMPARK
- JA: CHEMPARK構内での安全上のご注意
- KO: CHEMPARK에서의 체류를 위한 안전 지침
- NL: Veiligheidsinstructies voor uw verblijf in CHEMPARK
- PL: Wskazówki dotyczące bezpieczeństwa podczas pobytu w CHEMPARK
- PT: Instruções de segurança para a permanência no CHEMPARK
- RO: Instrucțiuni de siguranță pentru staționarea în cadrul CHEMPARK
- RU: Инструкция по технике безопасности при нахождении в CHEMPARK
- SQ: Udhëzime sigurie për qëndrimin tënd në CHEMPARK
- SR: Безбедносна упутства за боравак у CHEMPARK-у
- TR: CHEMPARK’ta kalırken dikkat edilmesi gereken güvenlik talimatları
- UK: Правила техніки безпеки під час перебування на території підприємства CHEMPARK
- ZH: 在CHEMPARK逗留时需遵守的安全提示