Employees of companies at the CHEMPARK
Employees of companies at the CHEMPARK
Apply for/renew/change ID card
ID card collection/issue
Book an appointment at the ID card office
Download form
To apply for/renew/change an ID card
Download the appropriate form, fill it out completely and have it signed by your employer’s personnel department – either by hand or using a digital signature.
If no digital signature is used, the form must be printed out, signed by hand and scanned.
Send the PDF file with the application to the ID card office by e-mail at least 3 working days before the collection date (with digital signature only via the company account):
For initial applications:
Send a digital passport photo (no holiday photos).
When your application is complete, we will already prepare the ID card so that you can pick it up at the agreed time, usually without waiting.
Please note: In order to minimise waiting times for everyone, we do not offer spontaneous pick-ups.However, it is possible to create an immediate pick-up within the framework of our fee-based special service after contacting our service hotline.
Process animation for badge application at the CHEMPARK
What else you need to know
When is a permit necessary?
If you are to take company property out of the CHEMPARK, an authorised employee of the CHEMPARK company must issue a pass for presentation at the gate.
What you need to bring with you to the collection/issue of the ID card
- In case of German citizenship: a valid identity card/official identity card substitute or a valid passport/official passport substitute
- In the case of citizenship of a Schengen full user state: a valid, officially recognised national identity card corresponding to the German identity card or a valid, officially recognised passport/passport replacement corresponding to the German passport.
- If you are a citizen of another country: a valid, officially recognised passport/passport replacement equivalent to the German passport.
- Attention: The personal details contained in the ID document must not be based on the ID holder's own information.
- Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accept other documents, such as a driving licence.
Animated safety briefing for employees of companies at the CHEMPARK
Book appointments at the ID office online here
Important information:
On 25 February the appointment booking is not available due to a system update. However, you are welcome to come by without an appointment on this day.
Appointments that have already been booked before 25 February no longer need to be activated on the devices provided in the entrance areas from this date. Please enter the ID offices or service centres directly and contact our team on site.
Thank you for your understanding!
Due to maintenance work, our appointment booking tool will not be available from 26.11. from 17:30 until probably 28.11..
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- Appointment for collection after initial issue/renewal/change of a CHEMPARK badge
- Reporting a lost/defective CHEMPARK ID card/issuing a replacement
- Appointment for collection after initial issuance/renewal/amendment of a special pass (carry-on or photo permit)
- Appointment for collection after initial issue/extension/amendment of an entry permit
- AR: أهم القواعد المتعلقة ببطاقة الخاصة بكم CHEMPARK
- BG: Най-важните правила за вашия документ за самоличност за CHEMPARK
- CS: Nejdůležitější pravidla týkající se vašeho průkazu CHEMPARK
- DE: Die wichtigsten Regeln zu Ihrem CHEMPARK-Ausweis
- EN: The most important rules for your CHEMPARK ID
- ES: Normas más importantes para su distintivo CHEMPARK
- FR: Les principales règles relatives à votre badge CHEMPARK
- EL: Οι πιο σημαντικοί κανόνες για την κάρτα πρόσβασης CHEMPARK
- HR: Najvažnija pravila za vašu propusnicu za CHEMPARK
- HU: A CHEMPARK-igazolványra vonatkozó legfontosabb szabályok
- IT: Le regole più importanti per la tua tessera CHEMPARK
- JA: CHEMPARK IDカード に関する最重要ルール
- KO: CHEMPARK ID에 대한 가장 중요한 규칙
- NL: De belangrijkste regels voor uw CHEMPARK-kaart
- PL: Najważniejsze zasady dotyczące identyfikatora CHEMPARK
- PT: As regras mais importantes para o seu cartão de identificação da CHEMPARK
- RO: Cele mai importante reguli pentru ID-ul CHEMPARK
- RU: Основные правила вотношении вашего пропуска CHEMPARK
- SQ: Rregullat më të rëndësishme për dokumentin tuaj të identifikimit CHEMPARK
- SR: Najvažnija pravila za vašu CHEMPARK ID-karticu
- TR: CHEMPARK kimliğiniz için en önemli kurallar
- UK: Найважливіші правила щодо вашої перепустки CHEMPARK
- ZH: CHEMPARK 证件重要守则
- Form: Application for CHEMPARK badge
- Completion aid: Application for CHEMPARK badge
- Form: Application for CHEMPARK badge for employees from outside the site
- Completion aid: Application for CHEMPARK badge for employees from outside the site
- Form: Application for special pass for CHEMPARK employees
- Completion aid: Application for a special CHEMPARK employee pass
- Form: Application for entry pass for CHEMPARK employees
- Completion aid: Application for entry pass for CHEMPARK employees
- Form: Application for identification card for sublet temporary workers
- Completion aid: Application for identification card for sublet temporary workers
- Form: Receipt confirmation for identification card
- Form: Request for heavy goods transport escort
- Traffic regulations CHEMPARK
- Information flyer compact - Behaviour at operation sites / barriers
- Instruction - Behaviour at work sites / barriers at the CHEMPARK
- Safety and regulatory requirements at the CHEMPARK - Part 1 for clients
- Safety and regulatory requirements at the CHEMPARK - Part 2 for contractors
- Leaflet - Working with radioactive substances and X-ray equipment
- BG: Инструкции за безопасност при престой в CHEMPARK
- BS: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- CS: Bezpečnostní pokyny pro pobyt v CHEMPARKu
- DE: Sicherheitshinweise für den Aufenthalt im CHEMPARK
- EN: Safety information for visitors to CHEMPARK
- ES: Aviso de seguridad para su estancia en CHEMPARK
- FR: Consignes de sécurité à respecter dans l’enceinte du CHEMPARK
- HR: Sigurnosne upute za boravak u CHEMPARK-u
- HU: Biztonsági utasítások a CHEMPARK-ban való tartózkodásra vonatkozóan
- IT: Avvertenze di sicurezza per la permanenza in CHEMPARK
- JA: CHEMPARK構内での安全上のご注意
- KO: CHEMPARK에서의 체류를 위한 안전 지침
- NL: Veiligheidsinstructies voor uw verblijf in CHEMPARK
- PL: Wskazówki dotyczące bezpieczeństwa podczas pobytu w CHEMPARK
- PT: Instruções de segurança para a permanência no CHEMPARK
- RO: Instrucțiuni de siguranță pentru staționarea în cadrul CHEMPARK
- RU: Инструкция по технике безопасности при нахождении в CHEMPARK
- SQ: Udhëzime sigurie për qëndrimin tënd në CHEMPARK
- SR: Безбедносна упутства за боравак у CHEMPARK-у
- TR: CHEMPARK’ta kalırken dikkat edilmesi gereken güvenlik talimatları
- UK: Правила техніки безпеки під час перебування на території підприємства CHEMPARK
- ZH: 在CHEMPARK逗留时需遵守的安全提示