Occupational safety

Our safety engineers and safety specialists offer their customers a wide range of services in the field of occupational safety, measuring points for hazardous substances and radiation protection.

Whether it’s risk assessments, safety-relevant seminars, advice on machine safety or the implementation of the Construction Site Ordinance – we are a competent partner for all-round occupational health and safety.

The focus is on preventing accidents and illnesses through preventive and protective measures. Furthermore, we offer services for occupational health and safety, for the assumption of employer duties, such as processing requests for information from the employers’ liability insurance associations on occupational diseases, safety officer administration or the organisation of training for first aiders and training for safety officers.

You can find the training to become a first aider and safety officer under Further training.

Training as a
First Aider
Training as a
Safety Officer

Contact persons

Occupational safety CHEMPARK partner

Competence centre (training / machine safety)

Hazardous materials protection

Occupational Safety CUR Group & Services

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